1. Olfactory
  2. Auditory Canal
  3. Auditory Processing Disorder
  4. Audit

Auditory learning is a style of learning in which an individual learns most efficiently through hearing and listening. Auditory learners retain information better when it is delivered through sound or speech rather than written form.


Patient discussion about auditory

Auditory tube
  1. Comparison of auditory brainstem response and auditory steady state response audiometry by evaluating the hearing thresholds obtained in children with different severity of hearing loss Instead of simply looking to see which parts of the brain were most active while listening, both studies examined the sensitivity of the brain to subtle.
  2. WebMD - Better information.

Auditory Canal

Q. My child is suffering from autism and was told to have Auditory Integration Therapy…what is it?

Auditory Processing Disorder

A. An Alternative Treatments where the child listens to different sounds with the goal to improve on language comprehension and it helps receive more balanced sensory input from the environment they live in. It has been reported that children had significant behavioral and language gains after this treatment.
Auditory processing disorder symptoms in kidsMore discussions about auditory


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