1. Phpstorm For Students
  2. Jetbrains Phpstorm Pricing Guide
  3. Jetbrains Subscription
  4. Phpstorm Mac
  5. Jetbrains Phpstorm Pricing Plan

Dmytro and Karol, the crash that you mention should be fixed with 0.6.2. It would be great if you could give it another try. Buy PhpStorm: Get JetBrains Toolbox subscription for an Organization, for Individual Use or view Special Offers. Registered non-profit organizations can apply for a special discount ranging from 25% to 50% off commercial pricing, depending on their business model. Please contact sales to. PHPStorm weighs 149MB. And is currently using 315MB of RAM. Considering I got 8GB on this notebook, not a big deal. Price you pay for for a FULL IDE. Now I could just use BBedit for my work. But I'd lose the many features I've come to rely on that PHPStorm provides.

The Lightning-Smart PHP IDE

PhpStorm deeply
understands your code.

Major frameworks support

PhpStorm is perfect for working with Symfony, Laravel, Drupal, WordPress, Zend Framework, Magento, Joomla!, CakePHP, Yii, and other frameworks.

All the PHP tools

The editor actually 'gets' your code and deeply understands its structure, supporting all the PHP language features for modern and legacy projects. It provides the best code completion, refactorings, on-the-fly error prevention, and more.

Front-end technologies included

Make the most of the cutting edge front-end technologies, such as HTML 5, CSS, Sass, Less, Stylus, CoffeeScript, TypeScript, Emmet, and JavaScript, with refactorings, debugging, and unit testing available. See the changes instantly in the browser thanks to Live Edit.

Built-in developer tools

Perform many routine tasks right from the IDE, thanks to the Version Control Systems integration, support for remote deployment, databases/SQL, command-line tools, Docker, Composer, REST Client, and many other tools.

PhpStorm = WebStorm + PHP + DB/SQL

Phpstorm For Students

All the features in WebStorm are included into PhpStorm, with full-fledged support for PHP and Databases/SQL support added on top.

Intelligent Coding Assistance

Hundreds of inspections take care of verifying your code as you type, analyzing the whole project. PHPDoc support, code (re)arranger and formatter, quick-fixes, and other features help you write neat code that is easy to maintain.

Smart Code Navigation

Be the master of your codebase thanks to the efficient, lightning-fast navigation features. The IDE understands where you want to go and gets you there instantly.

Download phpstorm

Fast and Safe Refactoring

Refactor your code reliably with the safe Rename, Move, Delete, Extract Method, Inline Variable, Push members Up / Pull members Down, Change Signature, and many other refactorings. Language-specific refactorings help you perform project-wide changes in a matter of clicks, which can​ all be safely undone.

Easy Debugging and Testing

PhpStorm is renowned for its zero-configuration Visual Debugger, providing extraordinary insight into what goes on in your application at every step. It works with Xdebug and Zend Debugger, and can be used both locally and remotely. Unit Testing with PHPUnit, BDD with Behat and profiler integration are all also available.

What’s new in PhpStorm 2021.1

Code With Me for pair programming

Code With Me, a new JetBrains service for collaborative development and pair programming, is now bundled with PhpStorm. It allows you to share the project you currently have open in your IDE with others and work on it together in real time.

Built-in preview for HTML and PHP files

With PhpStorm 2021.1, you can get a live-edit experience out of the box, there is no need to set anything up. It works for HTML and linked CSS, JS files, as well as for simple PHP files which will be rendered with a local PHP interpreter.

New inspections to help detect bugs

PhpStorm adds 20+ new inspections to help prevent possible bugs at early stages. It also comes with quick-fixes to make adjustments to code and small refactorings with one use of Alt+Enter.

Meet the PhpStorm community

@geeh @phpstorm I'm hooked mate. I've been so productive lately it's silly. Keep up the great work.
@phpstorm's code completion is incredibly useful.
@phpstorm is magical... in a good way. I find myself saying 'oh that's convenient' over and over.
If you are developing in PHP and are not using PhpStorm, you are working too hard.
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'I'm so spoiled by PhpStorm!'

Join over 600,000
happy PhpStorm users

Early Access ProgramFeaturesNews

Today we begin the Early Access Program for Code With Me, a tool for remote collaborative development and pair programming that you have long been waiting for.

About Code With Me

Code With Me is a new feature available in IntelliJ IDEA and our other IntelliJ-based IDEs starting from the latest available 2020.2 builds (2020.2.x). It enables you to share an open project in your IDE with your distributed team. This allows them to quickly access your code, so they can help you investigate issues, review, and work on your code together with you in real time. And all this can be done while still enjoying the full benefits of the code autocompletion, smart navigation, refactoring, debugging suite, and built-in terminal available in your JetBrains IDE.


NOTE: The early access version of Code With Me is free to use. However, we are working out flexible pricing plans and licensing to distribute Code With Me as a paid service for different JetBrains IDEs and editions in the future.

Getting started

All you need to do to get started with Code With Me is download the latest available version of your favorite JetBrains IDE, and install the Code With Me plugin from the Marketplace (Preferences / Settings | Plugins | Marketplace):

Once you have installed the plugin and restarted the IDE, you will discover a new option in the toolbar, from which you can create a shareable web link that you can then send to a teammate, so that they can join you on your IDE:

When your teammate clicks on the link you shared with them, it will automatically download and open a specially designed IntelliJ Client for them that will work with their JetBrains IDE. If your teammate doesn’t have a JetBrains IDE, the link they clicked will open a web page, which will ask them to download the IntelliJ Client. The webpage will guide them through the installation process:

The installed IntelliJ Client will open and offer to connect your teammate(s) to your project, so that you can start a remote coding session together:

And you will be asked to accept your teammates’ request:

Jetbrains Phpstorm Pricing Guide

That’s it! Here’s what a successfully connected collaborative session looks like. For the sake of simplicity, we connected to our own locally running project:

Read Getting started with Code With Me for more information on the functionality and the UI of Code With Me.

Use Cases

So far we have come up with the following general use cases for Code With Me:

  • Pair programming – collaborative editing, testing, and debugging.
  • Swarm programming – simultaneously coding together in the single remote IDE.
  • Guiding/Mentoring – inviting a guest or multiple guests to follow you, so you can show and explain the code.

Jetbrains Subscription

These are just some of possible ways to use Code With Me. Let us know how you think you may use Code With Me, or if you already have tried it for these or other purposes.


Code With Me EAP is compatible with latest v2020.2 builds of the following JetBrains IntelliJ-based IDEs: IntelliJ IDEA Community and Ultimate, WebStorm, PyCharm Community and Professional, PhpStorm, GoLand, RubyMine, CLion, and AppCode. Code With Me is currently not compatible with DataGrip and JetBrains Rider.

Phpstorm Mac

Further plans

Code With Me is still in active development. We plan to release Code With Me as part of one of the following major releases of JetBrains IDEs. A specific date will be announced later, and may change depending on the feedback we receive.

Useful links

  • Code With Me webhelp – for more information on the functionality and the UI.
  • FAQ – for answers to questions we expect to arise.
  • Bug tracker – to provide us with your feedback.

Let us know what you think about Code With Me, and please do report any issues you encounter to our bug tracker.

Jetbrains Phpstorm Pricing Plan

Code With Me team