By Nate Cohn Published Nov. 4, 2020 Updated Nov. 18, 2020 Joe Biden has won absentee ballots counted in Pennsylvania by an overwhelming margin so far, according to data from the Secretary of State. Class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # rtweet-workshop ## Collecting and analyzing Twitter data ### Michael W. KearneySchool of JournalismInformatics InstituteU. Nate Cohn, best known for being a Journalist, was born in United States on Tuesday, August 16, 1988. American journalist who made a name for himself as a political correspondent for The Upshot at The New York Times. Previously, he was a staff writer for The New Republic and a research associate at The Henry L.

now reading: Jobs Plan; Forgotten Unity? Pension Bomb

Good morning, it's Tuesday, April 20, 2021. Walter Mondale has shuffled off this mortal coil. Minnesota’s attorney general and, later, one of its senators, “Fritz” next served four years as Jimmy Carter’s vice president. As the Democrats’ standard-bearer in 1984, he was trounced by Ronald Reagan. But Mondale broke new ground by selecting a woman -- Rep. Geraldine Ferraro -- as his running mate, a template John McCain and Joe Biden would follow.

A man whose great decency always shone through, Walter F. Mondale sent his staff a farewell letter ahead of his death. True to form, it was really a thank-you note. “Before I Go I wanted to let you know how much you mean to me,” he wrote. “Never has a public servant had a better group of people working at their side! … I always knew it would be okay if I arrived some place and was greeted by one of you!”

Rest in peace, Walter.

With that, I'll refer you RCP's front page, where the lineup includes Van Jones (CNN) on the Chauvin trial and congressional inaction on police reform; Nate Cohn (New York Times) on political sectarianism; and Greg Ganske (Des Moines Register) on China and COVID-19. Along with our usual array of poll averages, videos, and breaking news stories, we also offer original material from our own reporters, columnists, and contributors, including:

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GOP Is Wrong to Say American Jobs Plan Is a “Radical Agenda.” Mark Wolfe and Christine Harada argue that the proposal will both rebuild infrastructure and infuse funds into communities that have suffered from chronic underinvestment.

Mr. President, Recall Your Words on Unity -- and the Filibuster. Sen. Bill Cassidy revisits Joe Biden’s arguments in favor of the filibuster during his years in the Senate, and reminds him of Democrats’ use of the procedure during the Trump years.

Illinois’ Pension Bomb Has a Short Fuse. At RealClearPolicy, Adam Shuster outlines the dire prospects for the state’s underfunded but overpromised public pensions if reforms aren’t enacted soon.

In Defense of Vaccine Passports. Also at RCPolicy, Isaac Daniel takes issue with government reluctance to support a vaccination verification system because of privacy concerns.

Protect Telemedicine From Counterproductive Trade Disputes. RealClearHealth editor Jerry Roger warns that patent infringement claims imperil this valuable medical tool.

Election Day as a Federal Holiday Will Cost $818 Million. Adam Andrzejewski spotlights the price tag of the For the People Act provision.

Joe Biden’s Electric Vehicle Dreams. At RealClearEnergy, Kat Dwyer writes that EVs make an environmental statement, but do little to curb greenhouse gas emissions given the fossil fuels needed to generate power for them.

Phantom Victory in Wars Without End. At RealClearDefense, James A. Russell advises that as the U.S. prepares to leave Afghanistan, three other potential quagmires must be avoided.

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Carl M. Cannon
Washington Bureau chief, RealClearPolitics
@CarlCannon (Twitter)

Carl M. Cannon is the Washington bureau chief for RealClearPolitics. Reach him on Twitter @CarlCannon.

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