Germancompound word for a 'face that should be slapped'

Content pack - europa universalis iv: emperor download for mac. Told with a healthy dose of self-deprecation, A Very Punchable Face reveals the brilliant mind behind some of the dumbest sketches on television, and lays bare the heart and humor of a hardworking guy—with a face you can’t help but want to punch. Colin Jost - Author. Colin Jost - Narrator. Orangeblood ost for mac. Told with a healthy dose of self-deprecation, A Very Punchable Face reveals the brilliant mind behind some of the dumbest sketches on television, and lays bare the heart and humor of a hardworking guy-with a face you can't help but want to punch.

When GWB smirks on TV, my German friend Uwe tells me that he sees a 'Backpfeifengesicht'.
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v. collectively or individually finding someone/something to blame for a problem, as opposed to brainstorming which connotes finding solutions to a problem
n. the act of finding someone/something to blame for a problem
(from a TV ad for HD television)
The committee commenced blamestorming over the situation rather than seeking solutions to the problem.
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A German compound word/term that loosely translates to 'Cheek pipe face'.
In common use it means something to the effect of 'A face badly in need of a fist' meaning this is a person that needs to be punched. Alternate translations list the given action as 'slap' rather than 'punch' or the given weapon as 'crowbar' rather than 'fist'.

Colin Jost Book Review

Uwe Boll's offenses against the video game industry would not be as bad were he not a Backpfeifengesicht.
Very Punchable Face
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From German: Backpfeifengesicht
A face that deserves to be slapped ( - or in the case of a Hackfresse - punched as hard as humanly possible and/or hit with a chair).
See also: Sean Hannity
He's the biggest backpfeifengesicht I've everseen.

Most Punchable Face In America

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German compound word for a 'face that should be slapped' - and growing in English usage thanks to Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Alberta).
My God, the Backpfeifengesicht on Ted Cruz - and he really is that much of an asshole! Are people actually voting for him, or just voting against old Captain Comb-over?
by EazyBeezy February 24, 2016

A Very Punchable Face Review

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Collin Snl A Very Punchable Face

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