- How Do I Know If Someone Blocked Me On Imessage
- If Someone Blocked Me On Imessage
- How Can I Tell If Someone Blocked Me On Imessage

How to Know if Someone Has Blocked You on iMessage 2021 Updated Posted by Lisa Ou / Dec 17, 2020 09:00 iMessage is a built-in instant messaging service, which Apple Inc. Released to let you send and receive text, image, videos, document, location, etc. With Apple users. Hero of the kingdom collection for mac. When someone block you on iMessage, the message is still sent, but the person is never notified and the message never shows up. Thus, many people may hope to know if has been blocked by someone on iMessage. In this article, we offer several ways about how to confirm if someone has blocked you on iMessages. Read on and find what is useful for you. Here’s what you should do: open the Messages app, type up a message to the person you think has blocked you, and send it. But make sure that you send an iMessage (it should be in a blue bubble, not green). Look carefully at the notification under the message you sent.
I have an iPhone 4S with software up to date (iOS 7.1.1), and recently blocked a contact, hoping to stop all text messages, calls, and (specifcally) iMessages. His contact info includes his number and his email address, so I was expecting it to block everything, but he was still able to iMessage me today. So I added him again to my block list, this time adding specifically just his email. Which means I have two entires for him on my block list, one that shows 'name (home)' and 'name (email address)'. Will this work or do I need to change my apple ID? All the tutorials I've seen online are very basic and say that blocking someone through the message, phone and facetime also blocks iMessages, but it evidently didn't for me. And all the issues in the forums with blocking through iMessage are before iOS 7, so they're irrelevant to what I'm dealing with.
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How Do I Know If Someone Blocked Me On Imessage

If Someone Blocked Me On Imessage
Posted on May 5, 2014 9:24 PM
How Can I Tell If Someone Blocked Me On Imessage
Once you sent iMessages to friend but receive no response, sometimes you may doubt whether your friend receive it or not, but sometimes you may think if someone has blocked you on iMessage. When someone block you on iMessage, the message is still sent, but the person is never notified and the message never shows up. Thus, many people may hope to know if has been blocked by someone on iMessage. In this article, we offer several ways about how to confirm if someone has blocked you on iMessages. Read on and find what is useful for you.
Method 1: Check the Color of iMessages You Sent
If you send an iMessage in color blue to your friend, but it never says Delivered and after a few minutes the iMessage turns green...Well, we cannot say that you definitely have been blocked by the friend via the simple color sign. However, in the digital era, it is pretty unlikely that the iMessage network doesn’t work and the iMessage you sent have to revert back as a text message. And we have a simple remedy to this. Just keep sending iMessages intermittently and if they all turn green from blue, then unhappily, you have been blocked definitely.
Method 2: Check the Status of iMessages You Sent
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Well, to know if you're blocked on iMessage is hard and the second tip may be not perfect but it is still worth a try. Generally, iPhone users turn on the Send Read Receipts for messages in Settings, and actually the default setting of the option is ON. If you send an iMessage to friend’s iPhone, and it stays blue saying Delivered but never turns to Read, then probably you've been blocked. And similar with the first tip, there's a small percentage that the receiver turns off his or her Send Read Receipts function.
Method 3: Check the Status of iMessages on Both iPhone and MacBook
The third tip is suitable for iPhone users who have a MacBook. And it's very easy. Just send an iMessage through either your iPhone or MacBook. Your iPhone will always show a Delivered icon under the iMessage. However, if you have been blocked by your friend, the MacBook shows NOTHING under the iMessage. The MacBook doesn’t show any Delivered or Read sign.