List some ways to get some Python code to run in a parallel way. Python doesn't allow multi-threading in the truest sense of the word. It has a multi-threading package but if you want to multi-thread to speed your code up, then it's usually not a good idea to use it. Python has a construct called the Global Interpreter Lock (GIL). In case you’re interested, we also have complete cheat sheets for Bootstrap, HTML, CSS, MySQL, and JavaScript. So download a copy of our Python cheat sheet and get that program up and running! PDF Version of Python Cheat Sheet. Python Cheat Sheet (Download PDF) Infographic Version of Python Cheat Sheet (PNG) Python Cheat Sheet. Coding interview cheat-sheet. Tips datastructures complexity algorithms python interview programming computer science software engineering. Python ML Cheat Sheet Share. GUI Programming in Python 3: Project - Library Management System: Python Relational databases: Deep Learning with Python. Python Coding Interview Questions for Intermediates. Project - Create your Emoji with Deep Learning. Python Tuples vs Lists. Python Cheat Sheet: 14 Interview Questions “ A puzzle a day to learn, code, and play ” → Visit f Q u esti o n Co d e Q u esti o n Co d e Ch eck i f l i st co n tai n s i n teg er x l = 3, 3, 4, 5, 2, 1 11, 5 print( 1 11 i n l) # True.

  • Python is a multi-paradigm general-purpose, object-oriented programming language
  • It is a cross-platform programming language so code python file written in one system can be run same on different systems.
  • Easy to learn.
  • Simple Syntax and akin to pseudocode.
  • Automatic Garbage Collection.
  • It is an open-source programming language.

Applications of Python

Python is a very versatile language and it is used in many IT fields such as:

  • Web Development (back-end)
  • Desktop Applications
  • Data Science.
  • Machine Learning
  • Artificial Intelligence.

Major Characteristic of Python

  • Very Simple Programming language.
  • Python has the most libraries.
  • Support Object-Oriented programming
  • Ideal Programming language for a beginner.
  • Robust and Secure
  • Highly Scalable
  • Use Interpreter
  • Dynamic Programming language.
  • Multi-threading.

Python IDE’s

There are many IDE’s on the internet for Python the two most recommended ones are:

  • PyCharm (By Jetbrains)
  • Atom (Powered by GitHub)

Standard Data Types in Python:

Python has two types of Data types:

  • Base Type.
  • Container Type.
Base Type
Data type NameData Type SyntaxSize
Integer Numberint14
Floating Point Numbersfloat16
Container Type Data Types
Data type NameData Type SyntaxExample
List (Ordered)list()[1,2,3] or list(range(1,4))
Tuple (Ordered)tuple()(1,2,3)
Dictionary (Unordered)dict(){0:1, 1:2, 2:3}
Set (unordered)set(){1,2,3}

Python Operators

Python has some standard operators which include arithmetic operators too.

Operator Name OperatorExample
Addition or concatenation+1+2


“hello” + ”world”

Subtraction40 – 10 à 30
Multiplication*40 * 10 à 100

[0]*2 à[0,0]

division/10/5 à 2.0
Floor division//10 // 5 à2
Modules%10 % 5 à 0
Exponential**2**3 à 8

Python Comparison Operator

There are some operators in python which are used to compare two objects or values and return a Boolean value True and False:

Operator Name OperatorExample
Smaller than <2 < 3 èTrue
Greater than>3 > 2 èTrue
Smaller than and equal to<=2 <= 2 èTrue
Greater than and equal to>=3 >= 3 èTrue
Not equal to!=2 != 3èTrue
Equal to comparison2 2 èTrue

Logical Operators

Python has three logical Operators:

  • and
  • or
  • not

Python Identifiers

Identifies are the name given to an object, identifiers can be also known as a variable name. There are some rules associated with an identifier or variable name. Using identifies we can give a name to variables, functions, modules, classes.

Identifiers rule:
  • The first letter of an identifier could be a lowercase or upper case Alphabet or _ (underscore symbol), and it could be followed by any alphabet, digit (0,9) and _.
  • There should be no special symbol in identifier except _.
  • Do not use reserved keywords as an identifier.

Variable Assignment

We use equal to “=” symbol to assign an object to an identifier.

The identifier name should be on the left side and value on the right side of the assignment operator.


x =20

Python AssignmentAssignment operatorExample
Simple and Single Assignment=x = 20
Assignment to same value=x = y = z =100
Multiple Assignment=x, y, z = 10, 20, 30
Swap values with Assignment operator=x, y = y, x
Unpacking sequence using assigmnet operator=x, *y = [20,10,30,70]
Assignment operator for increment+=x+=20
Assignment operator for Decrement-=x -=20

Python I/O

I/O methodsDescription
print()To print out the output
input()To take input from the user


By default input() accept value as string.

Type Conversion

Using there are many reserved keywords in python which are used to convert the data type of a variable.

Type Conversion Python SyntaxExample
Float to integer

Numeric string to integer

Boolean to integer




Integer to float

Numeric string to float

Boolean to float




Integer to string

float to string

Boolean to string




ASSIC Code to characterchr()chr(64) à @
Character to ASSIC codeord()ord(‘@’) à 64
Convert a container data type and a string to a listlist()list(“Hello”)
Convert a container datatype to a dictdict()dict([(1,2), (2,3)])
Convert a container data type to a setset()set([1,2,3,4,5,5])

Indexing Calling in Python

In python String, List and tuple objects support indexing calling.


Boolean Logic in Python

In python, we often encounter with Boolean values when we deal with comparison operator conditional statements.

Types of Boolean

In python there are two types of Booleans:

  • True
  • False
Boolean OperatorDescriptionExample
FalseIn python False, 0, empty container data type and None Treat as False value.bool(0) à False

bool([]) à False

bool({}) à False

bool(None) à False

TrueAnything except 0, None and empty data type in python considered as True Booleanbool(100) à True

Modules Name and Import

Use Syntax
Import the complete moduleimport module
Import complete modules with its all objectsfrom module import *
Import specific objects or class from a modulesfrom module import name_1, name_2
Import specific module and give a temporary namefrom module import name_1 as nam

Python Math Module

Python Coding Interview Cheat Sheet Answer

Math is the most important and widely used standard module of python, it provides many methods related to mathematics.

Math Module Example

from math import *





pow()pow(2,3) à 8.0
ceil()ceil(12.1) à13
floor()floor(12.9) à12
round()round(12.131,2) à12.13
abs()abs(-29) à 29

Conditional Statement

Python Conditional statement consists of 3 keywords if, elif and else.



There are two loops statements present in python:

  • for loop
  • while loop



It is a statement used inside the loop statement, and it is used to terminate the loop flow and exist from the loop immediately.



Continue is the opposite of break, it is also used in loop statements and directly jump to the next iteration.



To create a user-defined function in python we use the def keyword and to exit from a function we return a value using the return keyword.


Python List

A list is a collection of different data types, and it stores all elements in a contagious memory location.

Create a list

To create a list we use square brackets [ ].



List support indexing, with the help of indexing we can access the specific element of the list.


List Slicing

With list slicing, we can access a sequence of elements present in the list.


List Unpacking
Loop through a List:
Adding Elements in the list:
Removing Elements from a list
If condition with a list

Python Coding Interview Cheat Sheet Pdf

List Comprehension

lst_2 = [i for i in lst ]

Condition inside list comprehension
Zip function to combine two lists
Python cheat sheet pdf
Map and Filter on a list
List Operations
lst.append(val)Add items at the end
lst.extend(seq)Add sequence at the end
lst.insert(indx,val)Add value at a specific index
lst.remove(val)To delete the specific value from a list
lst.pop()To remove the last value from the list
Lst.sort()To sort the list

Python Tuples

Tuples in python similar to a list, the only difference is tuples are immutable.

Create a tuple:
Convert a list into a tuple
Indexing In tuple

Python Arrays

Python does not have inbuilt support for arrays but it has standard libraries to for array data structure. Array is a very useful tool to perform mathematical concepts.

Create an Array:

Python Sets

Python set is similar to the mathematic sets, a python set does not hold duplicates items and we can perform the basic set operation on set data types.

Create a Set:
Basic Set operation
Operations NameOperatorExample:
Union|s1 | s2
Intersection&s1 & s2
Differences1 – s2
Asymmetric Difference^s1 ^ s2


Dictionary is a collection of key: value pair and the key could only be an immutable data type.

Create a dictionary:
Convert a list into a dictionary:
Accessing Dictionary Elements

Python Coding Interview Cheat Sheets

We use the key to access the corresponding value.

Looping Through a dictionary:

Generator Comprehension

Like a list comprehension, we have generator comprehension in generator comprehension we use parenthesis () instead of sq. brackets [].


Exception Handling:

In exception handling we deal with runtime error there are many keywords associated with exception handling:

keyword Description
tryNormal processing block
exceptError processing block
finallyFinal block executes for both tries or except.
raiseTo throw an error with a user-defined message.


Python Class

Class provides the Object-Oriented programming concepts to python.

Create a class
Create a constructor for a class:

The constructor is the special method of class which executes automatically during the object creation of the class.

Magic Methods of class
Magic methodsDescription
__str__()String representation of the object
__init__()Initialization or Constructor of the class
__add__()To override addition operator
__eq__()To override equal to method
__lt__()To override less than operator
Class Private members:

Conventionally to declare an attribute private we, write it name starting with __ double underscore.



An inheritance we can use the methods and property of another class:


Multiple Inheritance:

Basic Generic Operations on Containers

Operators Description
len(lst)Items count
min(lst)To find the minimum item
max(lst)To find the maximum item
sorted(lst)List sorted copy
enumerate (c)Iterator on (index, item)
zip(lst_1,lst_2)Combine two list
all(c)If all items are True it returns True else false
any(c)True at least one item of c is true else false

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Python Basics Cheat Sheet

Python is one of the most popular programming languages in networking World. Almost all network engineers learn and use this programming language in their daily works. Because of the fact that there are many details in Python as in all programming languages, sometimes we can forget a basic command or a general concept, usage. Python Cheat Sheet has created to overcome this case and aims to remind you the missing points of this awesome network programming language. It is like other cheat sheets like CLI Command Cheat Sheet, Linux Commands Cheat Sheetetc.

You can use Python in another area than networking certainly. Whichever you use, the concepts and usage of the programming language are similar. There are only small differences and focus change in classical programming and network programming and automation. This Python Cheat Sheet will help you not only on your network automation or network programming activities, but also it will help you in all your programming works even in another area than computer networking. So, this page will be a reference page both programmers or network engineers. Because both of these jobs use Python and the concepts sof this programming language is similar.

There are many Python tutorial on internet and you can download Python free on internet. But it is difficult to have such a Ptyhon Cheat Sheet, that covers almost all important parts of Ptyhon programming language. It can be a quick reference for you or a document that you remind key parts. Whichever it is, this page will help you a lot and will decrease your exploration period for any code part.

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Python Cheat Sheet For Beginners

Python Cheat Sheet has prepared for both beginner users and Python experts. So, you can use this cheat sheet as Pyhton Cheat Sheet For Beginners and For Experts. The programming language is similar and in this page, we will cover all these basic concepts.

If you use this sheet as Python beginner cheat sheet, you can use it during your programming activities. You can download this cheat sheet and you can use it on your computer during code writing. You can also use this Ptyhon Cheat Sheet online.

If you use this sheet as expert reference, you can use it whenever you need to remember a Python code or usage. This page will help you in your critical coding activities.

Every tech guy was a beginner before. So, if you are a beginner now, you will be an expert too in the future. During this period, during your Python journey, this document will be always with you and you will benefit a lot from this page.

Python Cheat Sheet Pdf

This reference document can be used both online on our website or you can download Python Cheat Sheetpdf and use offline on your computer. Whichever you use, this excellent Ptyhon Cheat Sheet pdf will help you a lot.

When you downloadPython Cheat Sheet Pdf, you can use it to remember any Python code. This can be any Python code. Maybe you do not remember, Python list, Python dictionary, Python ranges etc. Maybe you remember the codes but you forgot the usage. Whichever it is, you can find on this page and with this page, you will not struggle on internet to find any Python code.

Python Interview Cheat Sheet

Python Cheat Sheet can be used also for your Python Job interview. Before your technical interview, you can check this sheet and you can use it as Python Interview Cheat Sheet. You can find all the basic terms of Python programming languages in this cheat sheet. So, the questions in you technical Python interview will be mostly on this Python Interview Cheat Sheet.

In your Python interview, maybe they will ask how to use Python tubles? Maybe they want to learn, how to get the last term in a Python list. Or maybe their question will be, how to get different types of inputs from the user.

Beside basic questions, in the Python Interview, they can ask complex questions about a programming code part. They can ask any specific parts of a Python program in the interview. Python Interview Cheat Sheet can remind you basic terms for this complex questions.

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